Welcome to the Innovative University of Enga, informational Site
The Innovative University of Enga (IUE) is a newly established National University in Papua New Guinea (PNG. It was established by an Act of Parliament in 2022 and unanimously passed by Parliament to make it the 9th and latest university in PNG. It is located in the Highlands of PNG, Wabag, Enga Province.
Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam "I will either find a way or make one"
"A Kind Reminder to the general public that our Admission Application for 2025 is now closed. For those who are late, please do prepare for next year and do apply early"
The Irelya faculty of Education offers a Bachelor’s Degree (BA) in Primary School Teaching as well as Bachelor of Science (BS) majors in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, a BA in English and a BA in Early Childhood Education, (4 year program).
The former Enga College of Nursing offers a BA in General Nursing with proposed programs for Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery (MBBS) and a BA in Rural Medicine.
Proposed comprehensive Business and Informatics programs with strong emphases on Information and Data Management will be part of our Information Technology Program. This program currently being developed and awaiting the completion of the Akom campus in 2025.