Provides a forum for communication, administrative updates, and discussion of key topics affecting the university.
- Plays a major role in providing advice, information, and guidance to the President.
- Recognizes campus members who have contributed in extraordinary ways to the University (special recognition).
- Provides for the President’s reports on current developments, issues of interest to campus, strategic directions (e.g., external developments; ELMB topics; legislative, national matters).
- Distributes a list of brief descriptions of current activities and events prepared by the director of public information.
- Discussion of major topics and issues impacting many on campus; discussion, debate, and follow up (suggested for placement on agenda); forum for communication and coordination regarding major campus initiatives (routine events and activities should be included in the list provided by the public information director).
- Round table reports on developments, events, and activities (non- agenda items).
- Visitors may identify problems or issues, raise questions about topics, and/or make suggestions (suggested for agenda).
- Discussion and reports on University’s strategic planning; input provided on cornerstone goals and strategic goals; review and provide input to major strategic plans of the University that are currently not shared.
- Assist the President to appoint subcommittees as needed to investigate specific questions and to provide recommendations.
- Allows for the membership to report back to respective constituency groups through scheduled meetings and/or distribution of ELMB minutes.